Here are a few examples......
When this cow 

Was bred hereford, we got this calf

A couple years later we bred her to a spotted Shorthorn (ss) bull and got this calf
Which leaves me with the conclusion, that the cow carries the recessive spotting gene (Ss). And that the hereford gene must combine at times with the recessive spotting gene.
This bull is the sire of the next 2 calves, he is ShSh, but exhibits only a very minimal featherneck

Here is another solid cow That when bred Hereford will occaisionally throw a calf like this
The featherneck is the main Hereford trait that is lost when an animal is heterozygous rather than homo for Sh, so it really makes me wonder how that cow could have thrown such an extreme featherneck.
Especially considering that the hereford bull that she was bred to exhibits such a minimal featheneck.....
Another calf, this one is out of a ss(spotted) cow bred to an ShSh (hereford)bull

And here we have a ShS (red baldy) cow that when bred to a ss (spotted) Shorthorn

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